Subkit Furigana Guide
A guide on how to use the Subkit Furigana plugin.
Table of contents
The Subkit Furigana plugin is a first-party plugin that displays furigana over Japanese subtitles to enhance your learning experience.
This is a simple guide on how to set it up and use it.
Getting Started
To use this plugin you must have the core Subkit extension installed first. If you installed the furigana plugin first, and then the core Subkit extension second, you may have difficulties getting it to work.
- Install Subkit first.
- Install Subkit Furigana after.
Once installed in that order, if you open a video (for example, a show on Netflix or YouTube with Japanese subtitles), connect Subkit, you’ll be able to purchase access to the Furigana plugin and enable it on your subtitles.
Connect Subkit And Enable Furigana
Open a video (Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, etc.) with Japanese subtitles.
Connect Subkit via the extension button and select the video element from the dropdown.
From the Subkit settings menu, select Plugins on the side menu and ensure you see Subkit Furigana in the list. If you don’t you may need to uninstall and reinstall Subkit Furigana.
If you haven’t purchased access, you’ll see a Buy button on the Furigana plugin item. Follow the How To Buy section first and then come back here when you’re done. If you have already purchased, you may need to login from the login button in the top bar to restore your purchase.
Now all you need to do is load Japanese subtitles to see the furigana. Click the Target Language section on the side menu, chose Japanese from the target language dropdown, and then select the Japanese subtitles from the subtitles dropdown or load your own file.
Changing Furigana Appearance
With Furigana loaded, you can modify it’s size, color and hover behavior from the extension icon in the browser top bar.
If the Subkit Furigana extension icon hasn’t been pinned, you’ll have to select the chrome plugin puzzle piece icon to access it.
Select the icon and from the popup, you can adjust it’s size by dragging the blue slider. You can adjust the color via the color picker. Finally, if you click the checkbox, you can hide furigana so that it only shows when you hover your mouse over some text on the subtitle. This is useful if you only want to see furigana one certain unknown kanji.
How To Buy
To purchase access to this plugin, either click the green buy button for a one-time buy, or purchase Subkit premium from the blue diamond button. Below we’ll just discuss the one-time buy.
- Click the green Buy button to open the purchase flow.
On the webpage that opens, enter your email address and press “Sign In With Email”. It’s okay if you’ve never made an account before. Please wait about a minute for a sign in code to be sent to your email.
Find the 6-character sign in code and enter it into the boxes on the next page. If entered correctly, you’ll be taken to the payment page.
Enter your payment details and click the pay button. If everything is successful, the window will close and the buy buttons should be removed from the Furigana plugin panel. Now, if you reload Japanese subtitles, you’ll automatically see furigana on them.